Norail/Nordlinger – Joint GEDIMAT exhibition
The Gedimat exhibition took place on 7, 8 and March 2023 in Bordeaux.
Exclusively reserved for members and employees of GEDIMAT, the exhibition allows them to exchange with suppliers.
This year both Norail and Nordlinger had reserved two stands side by side.
The surface areas of the two stands are 24 m² for Norail and 12 m² for Nordlinger.
This highlight of the year was an opportunity to present the new products to the brand.
Also, Norail presented :
- the GEDIBOIS Terrasse screw range,
- the L-Box Mini
- the industrial table legs offered by Norail.
Finally, during the event, members could benefit from exclusive offers.
Nordlinger presented its Joinery & Kitchen offer:
- aluminium composite panels,
- edges and veneers, the range of skirting boards,
- Interior door renovation kit, door thresholds,
- the Smart Profile offer but also its Trestle range.
This new edition was a great success for all!